Recently in a project, I needed to put pager on a html table. Now this table was a simple html table populated by jQuery, hence I couldn't use any server control. I searched the internet for available plugins, but they gave so much more :D. My requirement was a simple pager for my html table. So, i developed it. Hopefully, it will be useful to you all.
#Note: Working model is attached at below link.
Link to download => Pager on Html Table - jQuery Plugin
Point to Note (before you use it) : You should have reference to jQuery on the page. As the code uses jQuery
1. The html of the table should have a <tbody> tag for my plugin to work directly. This I have kept because that's the standard way.However, you can change the code. *I have explained in below steps [A1]
<table id="dtExpriments"> <thead><tr><td></td></thead> <tbody><tr><td></td></tbody> </table>
2. Html for the Pager :
Just below the table (or any where you want on the page) put the pager html as below.
<div id="navContainer"> <ul class="pagination nav navbar-right" id="footerPagination"></ul> <span id="prevFirstLink" style="display: none;"></span> <span id="prevLastLink" style="display: none;"></span> </div>
3. Calling the pager :
#Note - You can call it simply on load or improvise it as per your requirement.
In my case, I have called it on the click of a button after the table is populated. (see attachment)
$(document).ready(function(){ //apply pager plugin on the html Table $('#dtExpriments').applyPager({ ItemsPerPage: 6, MAXPAGES: 5, ContainerDivId: 'navContainer', SpanPrevFirstId: 'prevFirstLink', SpanPrevLastId: 'prevLastLink' }); });
//** Appendix **/
A1 :
If you table doesn't have <tbody> and <thead> i.e. it's simple html table with <tr> only.
find code like this => $('#' + tableId + ' tbody tr
in the js file (jQuery_html_table_Pager_plugin_v1.0.js) remove 'tbody' from everywhere.
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